Fira Ramadera in Son Carriò

By Cuixot de Porc Negre Mallorquín Date:
 - Mallorcan Iberian pork salami Mallorcan Iberian pork ham Iberian Ham, Salami and Black Pork Pate

Last week end, 13th and 14th of May, we hve participated to the Fira Ramadera of Son Carriò in Mallorca.

We were spooked by the affluence of people that came to enjoy for the occasion. It has been a very intensive week end where we have been able to offer our porducts, cañade Lomo, Salchichón and Chorizo of Porc Negre and of course our best product, the first and unique Jamón Cuixot.

The feedback has been very promissing for the future and we were delighted by  commentary from our guests. We really would like to thank all the people and toursits that werer around for the support. 

From now on we are sure there will be more #cuixoteros around in Mallorca and around the world.


Antonio Porsiay Jose Abellán - Socios Fundadores de Cuixot


Here is a picture of us -  Antonio Porsia and Jose Abellán -  before starting the Fira Ramadera.

Fantastic week end  and for sure we will be back next year!!