How To Store & Preserve Jamon Iberico

By Cuixot de Porc Negre Mallorquín Date:

When we buy a Cuixot de Porc Negre, Iberian ham for personal, domestic use in the family, it generally takes us much longer to finish eating it than in a restaurant or bar.

For this reason, the way of caring for the ham must be different and with much more care, as there is a risk that our ham, cuixot or Iberian or Porc Negre shoulder may dry out too much in contact with the air.

Precautions to be taken to prevent wear and tear of the ham.

Do not remove all the rind from the leg of Porc Negre or Iberian pork at once.

In restaurants we often see how professional cutters remove all the rind and fat around the leg from Iberian hams or cuixot hams.

This happens as soon as they are going to cut it at the moment and they can't waste time and they probably cut the ham in a very short time or the same night.

At home we should do just the opposite, as it is important that it keeps that natural rind that will keep it in the best conditions.

When we have to cut the slices of our Cuixot, Iberian ham or shoulder, the first thing we have to do is to cut around the closest area, so that when we finish, the rest of the piece will be well covered. how to cut ham

Bacon fat as a protection for ham.

On the other hand, when we open the Cuixot de Porc Negre ham or shoulder ham, we must always keep the bacon that we remove and not throw it away as it is the best piece to cover the lean part of our ham once we have finished cutting the cuixot slices.

The bacon is the most natural part of the ham and its fat keeps the ham moisturised.

Be careful with light and temperature.

Cuixot de Porc Negre, like Iberian ham, is cured in very peaceful drying sheds as they are very delicate. In the same way, when we have them in our home, we must try to keep them with the maximum care and affection. First of all we must avoid exposure to halogen lights, we must keep them away from the heat of the light or any other source of high heat.


how to cut ham


Ham should also be kept away from heat sources such as radiators to preserve its taste, smell and texture. Ham not only does not like heat, it does not like cold either.

For this reason it is not advisable to keep the pieces in the fridge. It is advisable to leave them at room temperature, cooler than cold, so as not to alter the flavour of the meat. An ideal place to keep a ham is in a pantry where the temperature is always cool and dry and where there are no strong smells or strong lights.

Cuixot or Iberian Sliced Ham in vacuum packs.

Another way to keep the ham or shoulder well preserved and savour it as if it were freshly cut is to keep it in sliced envelopes, possibly sliced with a vacuum knife.

If you don't have the right tools or you want to buy a cuixot ham but don't want to venture to cut it because they don't know how to do it, you can count on professional cutters who will do it for you and deliver it sliced.



Cuixot vacuum-packed envelope - porc Negre ham


At Cuixot de Porc Negre we have thought of our customers who are not master slicers and we have taken advantage of the experience of our professional slicers to deliver a pre-packaged product of vacuum packs of Cuixot de Porc Negre of 100gr or 80gr. So that when you open them, all you have to do is taste and feel the texture of the ham as if it had just been cut with a knife.